Your favorite Veigar skin

by Voting LoL ·
Original Veigar
% (0 votes)
White Mage Veigar
% (0 votes)
Curling Veigar
% (0 votes)
Veigar Greybeard
% (2 votes)
Leprechaun Veigar
% (3 votes)
Baron Von Veigar
% (0 votes)
Superb Villain Veigar
% (1 votes)
Bad Santa Veigar
% (5 votes)
Final Boss Veigar
% (49 votes)
Omega Squad Veigar
% (6 votes)
Elderwood Veigar
% (4 votes)
Furyhorn Cosplay Veigar
% (4 votes)
Astronaut Veigar
% (3 votes)
Monster Tamer Veigar
% (2 votes)
King Beegar
% (3 votes)
Fright Night Veigar
% (30 votes)
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