Multi-Party America

by ArthurJ ·
Donald Trump - The Patriots (Paleoconservative, Nationalist)
% (10 votes)
Andrew Yang - The Forward Party (Big Tent, Radical Centrism, Human Capitalism)
% (8 votes)
Bernie Sanders/AOC - American Labour Party ( Progressives, Social Democracy, Greens)
% (53 votes)
Joe Biden - The Democratic Party (Modern/Left Liberalism, Moderates)
% (9 votes)
Mitch McConnell - The Conservative Party (Conservatives, Neo-Conservatives )
% (4 votes)
Charlie Baker - United for America (Rockefeller Republicans, Moderate Republicans, Centrists)
% (22 votes)
Rand Paul - Constitution Party 1776 (Libertarianism)
% (4 votes)


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