Ask HN: How busy are you at work on average?

by a guest ·
I have 1-3 years work experience and I do what I consider work (meetings, programming, email, as opposed to browsing HN) less than 4 hours a day
% (17 votes)
I have 1-3 years work experience and I do what I consider work (meetings, programming, email, as opposed to browsing HN) 4-8 hours a day
% (24 votes)
I have 1-3 years work experience and I do what I consider work (meetings, programming, email, as opposed to browsing HN) more than 8 hours a day
% (8 votes)
I have 3-10 years work experience and I do what I consider work (meetings, programming, email, as opposed to browsing HN) less than 4 hours a day
% (15 votes)
I have 3-10 years work experience and I do what I consider work (meetings, programming, email, as opposed to browsing HN) 4-8 hours a day
% (46 votes)
I have 3-10 years work experience and I do what I consider work (meetings, programming, email, as opposed to browsing HN) more than 8 hours a day
% (15 votes)
I have 10+ years work experience and I do what I consider work (meetings, programming, email, as opposed to browsing HN) less than 4 hours a day
% (10 votes)
I have 10+ years work experience and I do what I consider work (meetings, programming, email, as opposed to browsing HN) 4-8 hours a day
% (37 votes)
I have 10+ years work experience and I do what I consider work (meetings, programming, email, as opposed to browsing HN) more than 8 hours a day
% (16 votes)
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