What will she try to do first?

by a guest · 4 years ago
Find the University Library and try to find evidence of pre-Quake magical phenomena.
% (5 votes)
Text Iris and ask her some very pointed questions.
% (6 votes)
Buckle down and really try to get some settling-in stuff done: setting up internet, obtaining transportation, etcetera.
% (12 votes)
Go chat with the neighbors.
% (9 votes)
Throw caution to the wind and try to get some walk-in job interviews.
% (15 votes)
Go to the gym and use that free workout, and maybe talk to Vince.
% (22 votes)
Try to contact Quick and let him know what’s going on.
% (2 votes)
Go to the gym and use that free workout, and maybe talk to Vince.
30.99% (22 votes)
Throw caution to the wind and try to get some walk-in job interviews.
21.13% (15 votes)
Buckle down and really try to get some settling-in stuff done: setting up internet, obtaining transportation, etcetera.
16.9% (12 votes)
Go chat with the neighbors.
12.68% (9 votes)
Text Iris and ask her some very pointed questions.
8.45% (6 votes)
Find the University Library and try to find evidence of pre-Quake magical phenomena.
7.04% (5 votes)
Try to contact Quick and let him know what’s going on.
2.82% (2 votes)
Total votes: 71 (from 0 participants)
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Voting closed 1612 days, 12 hours, 53 seconds ago.


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