Egg Head Triumphant! 1960 Republican Primary

by Rose Kelley ·
Senator Richard Nixon
% (2 votes)
Governor Nelson Rockefeller
% (17 votes)
Senator Barry Goldwater
% (8 votes)
Favorite son candidates
% (5 votes)
William Knowland
% (1 votes)
General Douglas MacArthur
% (4 votes)
Margaret Chase Smith
% (8 votes)
Margaret C. Smith
% (1 votes)
Earl Warren
% (1 votes)
Douglas MacArthur
% (3 votes)
George Lincoln Rockwell
% (1 votes)
Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.
% (1 votes)
Former Governor Harold Stassen
% (1 votes)
Thomas E. Dewey
% (1 votes)
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