¿Qué cameo esperas ver en Doctor Strange 2?

by a guest ·
Tom Cruise (Superior Iron Man)
% (6 votes)
Hugh Jackman (Wolverine)
% (4 votes)
John Krasinski (Mr. Fantástico)
% (4 votes)
Nicolas Cage (Ghost Rider)
% (2 votes)
Tobey Maguire (Spider-Man)
% (6 votes)
Leonardo DiCaprio (Spider-Man)
% (1 votes)
Eric Bana (Hulk)
% (0 votes)
Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool)
% (6 votes)
Hayley Adwell (Capitana Carter)
% (1 votes)
Patrick Stewart (Profesor X)
% (2 votes)
Ultron Supremo
% (0 votes)
Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man)
% (1 votes)


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