Poll 3: Suggested strategies for stabilising the Platform-Your ideas.

by Carl Miller ·
Members with big groups & ranking; there daily rewards rate slows
% (8 votes)
The referral rewards structure is toned down
% (4 votes)
Limit withdrawals to daily or weekly limits. A Fixed Amount, A Percent, what ever,
% (54 votes)
My idea is here. 1. Company should stop all the benefits coming as referral rewards until they are getting back to business. (Only for time being) 2. Percentage should not decrease until capital comes out. If these 2 are implemented, problem is almost solved.
% (17 votes)
Add pair of HB/HNT because peoples Don't have usdt for staking
% (7 votes)
io farei in modo che le persone che superano un giornaliero di 350/400 dollari al giorno,li fanno prelevare 50%in HWT e 50%in HNT cosi da fare apprezzare anche l' HWT e fare in modo che i piccoli di recuperare prima il loro capitale cosi'dopo sono tutti piu' sereni ne condividere e far crescere la nazione
% (3 votes)
1 reduce CRR for V7, V6, V5, V4 and V3 to 11%V7, 9%, 7%, 4% and 2,5%V3 respectively
% (6 votes)
1x clear first
% (13 votes)
Markets move on information. Corp has lost reputation. Community has trusted them but they have not trusted community with honest information. So when they act in unexpectedly they cause panic that affects the HNT. They must rebuild trust and learn to trust the community with clear information. They are unpredictable. Their scare of dropping rates cause panic to sell HNT.
% (1 votes)
Drastically reducing rewards for members who cannot invest new money while rewarding those who already have a lot of resources may not be the best way to motivate everyone in the organization.
% (2 votes)
Withdrawal limit for large accounts. Mine is small and I love the idea of growing together in this project.
% (8 votes)
Madjutta: 1-As the most crying group is among the low rate withdrawal, I suggest that their withdrawal should be controlled and limited; 2- The stacking should be mandatory from V3 to V7 as the are not putting money any more to the group. And they must share the proof of stacking so that their followers can also copy the ideas; 3-From V3 to V7, they should be limited on rebuys as it puts no more money to business...plus they must be forced to reintroduce USDT back to business as results of their huge withdrawal amounts as, at this point, I look at them as senior investors and not just recruters to the business.
% (4 votes)
Add a % crypto tax to each withdrawal. 1-3%, this is used to add value in the liquidity of each token.
% (1 votes)
All Nodes should be Community Builders. All Nodes who planted Money and not building the community should be tripped of thier 5x, Drop thier daily rewards to 0.2% and be limited to draw once in 6 months. Corporate should start implenting the road map for HNT as draw in Mr H video. HNT should have a defined number of supply as a crypto currency. And yes all top leaders should be limited to thier withdrawals to twice a month and the amount should limited.
% (2 votes)
Put a cap on the amount being withdrawn but keep the rewards at a level where we can still participate in everything within hypernation
% (6 votes)
Everyone should get their 1x. All people with many referrals must purchase packages with at least 85% of their referrals income.
% (5 votes)
stop making terrible ponzi schemes
% (1 votes)
HYA IS CRITICAL for members that have there 1x or 3x out already.. they should show proof of staking or HYA a percentage of withdraw.. we could log in and show a screen shot of what we have in staking or HYA specially after our 1x or 3x is out
% (2 votes)
I am in a place where we cannot get gift cards, stop putting my rewards in the gift shop.I am a passive builder and I need my rewards to do my rebuys
% (1 votes)
Add HB/ HNT and allow members buy package with HNT with
% (2 votes)
Reduce the daily amount of withdrawal daily. And also stop the rank thing for now. And the voucher should be an option thing. Cos like my country in Nigeria we don't use that.
% (1 votes)
CRR is too generous. No required Rebuy on missions for those that don’t even get 50HND a week. Daily rate shouldn’t be lower than 0.35%. Dropping people without a word to 0.02% is cruel
% (0 votes)
All the suggestions above are good ... introduce almost all of them !
% (6 votes)
The Hypernation needs to communicate what issues they have so that the citizens can help at their best ability
% (1 votes)
Company should put a limit on purchase of Higher value welfare packages. Due to which some community members get in investors or passive community members to achieve their higher ranks and these investors keep pulling the rewards out on a daily basis and the corporation don't have funds to pay to genuine community members who barely withdraw funds fortnightly or monthly. In short corporation must workout a strategy to pay equally to the active and passive members.
% (5 votes)
We should be allowed to buy our packages with HNT as this will create a high demand for HNT as we register new packages this will create a high demand and drive the value up. The company can then take the HNT and swap it timely on the Liquidity pools or they can Burn it to create an even higher demand for it.
% (6 votes)
All options are thinkable. I think, if HYA works to save HNT then it needs to split 20% of hyperstore amount. And it can be a 10% to 15% into forcely stake( with higher percentages of staking for higher levels) to HYA and remaining goes to hyperstore. V3 to V7 strategies also may be considered.
% (4 votes)
Put V1 - V7 rewards on pause for now - not retroactive. Continue with .07% daily rate; give 15% only for direct recruits for now; put a limit on the amount you can withdraw per month; no withdrawal for 2 weeks but make everyone is aware before you do it. Remove the $400 package to $800.
% (4 votes)
It should be possible to transfer HNT to the HYA like you transfer HND to the Hyperstore. In that situation, you bypass MM, allowing members a route to staking their HNT.
% (3 votes)
Create a stable dao or token which will will not give your competitors a chance to buy coins and come back later to dump them on us. Do thorough study of your competitors and beat them hard. Hypernation is far advanced, no company will catch you, keep going
% (2 votes)
set a weekly withdrawal percentage depending on your weekly reward
% (2 votes)
I agree that there should be sone kind of cap on the withdrawal limit for sustainability but HN could give incentives such as bonus rewards for example(and which they must hold true with) and not just the discounted gift cards but in other areas inorder to encourage citizens to keep their money on the platform and in circulation, thereby promoting more confidence within our ecosystem which will translate to the outside world
% (2 votes)
Limit withdrawals. Maintain the rewards. It's vital now to remove fear and have citizens who remain loyal. Do NOT remove the $400 package.
% (5 votes)


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