Plaza Exterior - Place 3

by a guest ·
A Dancer, based on Nani (Lilo and Stitch) admiring her reflection in the water
% (13 votes)
A Noble Thrall practicing Tai-Chi moves, or playing solo chess or go. Or fishing.
% (7 votes)
Far in the distance, a stay pet Thrall (a material that has already been turned into such a Thrall) is kneeling by the water, trying to fish out something by hand.
% (6 votes)
A dancer thrall practicing tai chi.
% (10 votes)
Gladiator thrall based on 'Ramlethal' from Guilty Gear enjoys her free time stretching while playing with a puppy
% (7 votes)
A praetorian based on doctor (akudama drive) keeping watch
% (5 votes)
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