Βραβείο NICK YIANNEAS για καλύτερα Εφέ (Εις Μνήμην) / NICK YIANNEAS PRIZE for Best Effects

by Indie Festival Pavlos Paraschakis ·
Edgar Enrique González Rosas, Jaime Rodríguez, Omar El N Dios, for RED SACRIFICE
% (2 votes)
Jaime Borrell Gallut,Ignacio Bergillos, Pablo Esteban, Irene Celada Marejil for Psyché
% (0 votes)
Bahram Moradi for 69.30
% (3 votes)
% (1 votes)
Can Serezli, Ali Sangutay for He and Anyone
% (0 votes)
Jonathan Rodrigues for The Gospel According to Fascism - The Final Offense, Polterslime
% (2 votes)
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