Reddit Decides: Swedish General Election

by Addis ·
Volt, Centrist
% (1 votes)
Sir Keir Starmer
% (1 votes)
Christian Values Party
% (1 votes)
Kalle Anka
% (1 votes)
Social Democrats (S/SAP) - Centre-Left - Social Democracy, Democratic Socialism
% (56 votes)
Moderate Party (M) - Centre-Right - Liberal Conservatism
% (15 votes)
Sweden Democrats (SD) - Right-Wing to Far-Right - National Conservatism, Anti-Immigration, Right-Wing Populism
% (43 votes)
Centre Party (C) - Centre to Centre-Right - Agrarianism, Social Liberalism
% (7 votes)
Left Party (V) - Left-Wing - Democratic Socialism, Feminism, Republicanism
% (121 votes)
Christian Democrats (KD) - Centre-Right to Right-Wing - Christian Democracy, Conservatism, Economic Liberalism
% (6 votes)
Liberal Party (L) - Centre-Right - Liberalism, Conservative Liberalism, European Federalism
% (9 votes)
Green Party (MP) - Centre-Left - Green Politics
% (14 votes)
Feminist Initiative (FI) - Left-Wing - Feminism
% (3 votes)
Alternative for Sweden (AfS) - Far-Right - Ultranationalism, Anti-Immigration, Anti-Islam, Right-Wing Populism
% (1 votes)
Citizens' Coalition (MED) - Right-Wing - Libertarian Conservatism, Right-Wing Populism
% (6 votes)
Pirate Party (PP) - Syncretic - Pirate Politics
% (8 votes)
Direct Democrats (DD) - Big Tent - Direct Democracy
% (3 votes)
Nordic Resistance Movement (NMR) - Far-Right - Neo-Nazism, Ultranationalism, Authoritarianism
% (4 votes)
Communist Party (K/SKP) - Far-Left - Communism, Marxism-Leninism
% (32 votes)
Volt Sweden (VOLT) - Syncretic - European Federalism, Social Liberalism
% (2 votes)


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