A beggar approaches you and asks you to spare a coin again. What will you do?

by Ameronis ·
Ignore him completely this time
% (19 votes)
Scowl and/or shoo him away
% (6 votes)
Apologise and say you have nothing to give.
% (72 votes)
Don’t give anything but ask about his circumstances
% (23 votes)
Give him some change (up to 2 cogs)
% (19 votes)
Give him some change (up to 5 cogs) and ask about his circumstances
% (34 votes)
Give him a handful of change (up to 10 cogs) and send him on his way
% (11 votes)
Give him a note or two (up to 20 cogs) and ask about his circumstances
% (33 votes)
Offer to buy him something he needs (food, clothing, etc).
% (115 votes)


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