Familylad poll 1

by MarvinladOffical ·
Ship 1: Mother x Son (Kelly X William) (one of my favorite ships)
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Ship 2: Father x Son (Blain x William) (one of my favorite ships)
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Ship 3: Sister x Brother (Janice x William)
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Ship 4: Brother x Brother (William x Mike)
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Ship 5: Mother x Son (Grace x Eli) (one of my favorite ships)
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Ship 6: Grandma x Grandson (Victoria x William)
% (1 votes)
Ship 7: Grandma x Grandson (Natalie x William)
% (1 votes)
Ship 8: Mother x Son (Natalie x Blain)
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Ship 9: Grandfather x Grandson (Atticus x William)
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Ship 10: Grandfather x Grandson (Alan x William)
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Ship 11: Father x Son (Alan x Blan)
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Ship 12: Aunt x Nephew (Jessica x William)
% (1 votes)
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