r/VALORANTCompetitive Best of 2024 Voting - Best Player Celebration

by anewheaven ·
PRX something flips off TH
% (26 votes)
GEN Lakia hits the Sova ult IRL against EDG
% (11 votes)
FNC Boaster is in the lamps vs VIT
% (59 votes)
TH Benjyfishy high fives Wo0t and locks in immediately afterwards
% (25 votes)
TH paTiTek mogs 100T after eliminating them
% (17 votes)
EDG ZmjjKK loses his mind in the background as CHICHOO aces
% (12 votes)
100T Boostio points to his pig plushie against FUT
% (28 votes)
SEN TenZ asks who they are peeking at Madrid
% (20 votes)
EDG ZmjjKK sings on stage after being crowned MVP
% (23 votes)
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