Which SNES tracks do you want

by TheNudgyHampter ·
Mario Circuit 1
% (1 votes)
Donut Plains 1
% (2 votes)
Ghost Valley 1
% (0 votes)
Bowser Castle 1
% (2 votes)
Mario Circuit 2
% (2 votes)
Choco Island 1
% (2 votes)
Ghost Valley 2
% (0 votes)
Donut Plains 2
% (0 votes)
Bowser Castle 2
% (5 votes)
Mario Circuit 3
% (0 votes)
Koopa Beach 1
% (2 votes)
Choco Island 2
% (0 votes)
Vanilla Lake 1
% (0 votes)
Bowser Castle 3
% (2 votes)
Mario Circuit 4
% (6 votes)
Donut Plains 3
% (1 votes)
Koopa Beach 2
% (3 votes)
Ghost Valley 3
% (4 votes)
Vanilla Lake 2
% (4 votes)
Rainbow Road
% (4 votes)
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