Qortal Community Sponsorship

by QuickMythril ·
Level 0 accounts should NOT be allowed to help decide who gets sponsored.
% (34 votes)
Level 1 accounts should NOT be allowed to help decide who gets sponsored.
% (24 votes)
Level 1 accounts SHOULD be allowed to nominate people for sponsorship, but NOT be able to vote.
% (17 votes)
Level 1 accounts SHOULD be allowed to vote for sponsorship, but NOT be able to nominate people.
% (4 votes)
Level 5+ and Founder accounts should NOT be allowed to help decide who gets sponsored, since they can sponsor people already.
% (13 votes)
An account should be approved for sponsorship once the people who vote in support of them reach a total of LEVEL 5 combined. (example: votes from one Level 2 & one Level 3)
% (11 votes)
An account should be approved for sponsorship once the people who vote in support of them reach a total of LEVEL 7 combined. (example: votes from one Level 3 & one Level 4)
% (11 votes)
An account should be approved for sponsorship once the people who vote in support of them reach a total of LEVEL 9 combined. (example: votes from three Level 3 accounts)
% (13 votes)
The account which nominates someone for sponsorship should NOT be included in the total Levels required for approval.
% (18 votes)
A very small QORT donation should be required for people who want to nominate or vote for sponsorship.
% (20 votes)
If donations are required, the full amount should be given to the person being sponsored, to help fund their name registration or other transactions.
% (11 votes)
If donations are required, some of it should be given to the person being sponsored towards their name registration, with the extra going into the community fund.
% (26 votes)
1 vote = 1 point so the required number of points can come from any level 1 thru 5 to support a nominee.
% (1 votes)
A very small QORT donation should be required for people who want to nominate
% (1 votes)
The sponsee should make an introduction and what they plan to do with Qortal. It should be archived.
% (1 votes)


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