Vote For Who You Want To See On Survivor 50! - Pearl Islands

by Kevin ·
Nicole Delma
% (4 votes)
"Skinny Ryan" Ryan Shoulders
% (14 votes)
Michelle Tesauro
% (6 votes)
Trish Dunn
% (4 votes)
Shawn Cohen
% (3 votes)
Osten Taylor
% (4 votes)
Andrew Savage
% (43 votes)
"Ryno" Ryan Opray
% (19 votes)
Rupert Boneham
% (33 votes)
Tijuana Bradley
% (24 votes)
Christa Hastie
% (60 votes)
Burton Roberts
% (65 votes)
Darrah Johnson
% (25 votes)
"Jonny Fairplay" Jon Dalton
% (73 votes)
"Lil" Lillian Morris
% (33 votes)
Sandra Diaz-Twine
% (47 votes)
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