r/VALORANTCompetitive Best of 2024 Voting - Best Comment

by anewheaven ·
Yay is probably feeling like he got the last helicopter out of 'Nam
% (14 votes)
"My goats are never washed"
% (13 votes)
don't judge me but when sadhaak double pumps I c0m qck
% (3 votes)
hisjett#gyatt e-daters could spend a lifetime of endless discord messages...
% (1 votes)
me and u/hopeful-professor-40 watched this game together... you could see the hope recede like sideshow's hairline in '08
% (9 votes)
My guy is so short he can't go on carnival rides without Potter.
% (8 votes)
[did aspas kills your entire family] Nah he didn't he saved
% (16 votes)
That's like asking Ange1 what shoes he wore back in the Mesozoic Era
% (79 votes)
FNS' low frag games feel like they're casting a bronze make-a-wish kid...
% (72 votes)
me: I’m both a cloud Nine fan and also a Leviatan fan Random horse: nuzzles me
% (4 votes)
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