What is your favorite kind of mess consistency?

by a guest ·
Hard: Holds its shape and wont deform at all, even if you sit in it. Basically rabbit pellets, or large lumps of the same dryness. These usually take sustained and significant effort to get out, and audible grunting will almost certainly be involved.
% (5 votes)
Firm: Mostly holds its shape, but deforms a little if you sit in it. Basically a classic "log" that tents out the back of your diaper. It wont deform on its own to make space, but might "break" in half. It might take some effort to get these started, but after that they usually come out with little resistence, unless you run out of space.
% (35 votes)
Medium: Will deform a little bit and mold itself into the avaliable space and shape in the seat of your diaper, creating a mound that shapes itself against your bottom. Sitting in it will squish it, but wont turn your butt into a slip'n'slide. A good push will usually get these started, and after that your body takes over and does the rest.
% (37 votes)
Soft: Doesn't really hold its shape. Squishes and deforms just from hitting the seat of your pants. Tends to not form mounds and lumps, but if it does they start flattening out on their own. Sitting in it will squish it all over the place, destroying any structural integrity it had to begin with. Think "soft serve" consistency. You probably don't need to make any special effort to get these out, just relax and let your body do it's thing when you have to go. You could probably go while sitting down, but that would require some effort and pushing.
% (19 votes)
Runny: Won't hold its shape at all, because it doesn't really have a shape. Has super soft solids in it that may or may not be mixed with more watery stuff. Will spread out a lot even without sitting in it, but might not spread back to front on it's own. Sitting down in it may not have any significant effects since it is already so soft, but will probably feel kinda funny. You don't need to push at all to get these out; in fact you need to make an effort to keep them in. If you're sitting down, a small to moderate push will likely cause it to rush out and go all over your bottom. This is pretty much standard diarrhea.
% (6 votes)
Liquid: Sound the alarm! All bets are off. No solids, no structure, nothing held back. Just a deluge of pure liquid rushing into your diaper. Gets pretty much everywhere right away. Sitting down in this is a task attempted only by those who are very brave or very foolish. (Or those who don't mind leaks. It's probably best to sit on some kind of disposable pad) With enough effort and concentration, you *might* be able to stop yourself from unleashing devastation upon your diaper, but not for long. A momentary break in concentration is all that seperates your clean diaper from an unstoppable, explosive torrent of... er, not clean stuff. Even if you sit down on your butt you will probably find it difficult to keep your pants clean for long. It might be best to just let it happen and then go find a grown-up to clean you up.
% (5 votes)


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