What has been your highlight of ABBA's 50th anniversary year?

by ABBAPolls ·
ABBA Voyage 50th anniversary concert
% (10 votes)
ABBA Museum updated Eurovision area
% (1 votes)
Eurovision with the ABBA clip
% (8 votes)
ABBA receiving royal Order of the Vasa
% (83 votes)
ABBA The Singles new edition
% (5 votes)
Waterloo 12" vinyl, half speed and related merch
% (4 votes)
ABBA Museum Christmas Eurovision baubles
% (0 votes)
Seeing Benny & Bjorn at Voyage 2nd anniversary
% (9 votes)
The premiere of Mamma Mia The Party Rotterdam and meeting Bjorn
% (1 votes)
SVT En fest för ABBA
% (3 votes)
Brought the magazine with abba on the front
% (1 votes)
ABBA: One Week in Brighton exhibiition at the Brighton Dome to celebrate 50 years since Eurovision
% (1 votes)
Frida attending and speeching at Voyage.
% (3 votes)


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