CCS new name

by a guest ·
Crivility Center
% (1 votes)
Crivility Corporation
% (4 votes)
Crivility Foundation
% (1 votes)
MKPCian Corporation for Studies and Analysis of Crivility (whew)
% (2 votes)
Keep current name
% (2 votes)
JMRCian Corporation for Studies and Analysis of Crivility (whew)
% (1 votes)
Crivility Study Foundation
% (0 votes)
Anti-Forum Kid Foundation
% (1 votes)
The Crivility Log
% (1 votes)
Now, my vote is for the Crivility Corporation option, but I choose Other for a reason. I need Fiery to check his email. I have sent him something and I haven't had a response back. I would also like for RedPikmin95 to check his email daily for something as well. I have asked Fiery about my ban and I need RedPikmin95's email. Red, if you're reading this, I have 3 documents typed that I would like you to show to some people. The first one, I would like for you to put it on SFA (Space For Anything). The second of said documents is to be DM'd to Invu. And lastly, the third and final email is to be DM'd to BlobbytheBlob. If you could do that, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you all for reading this, and I wish you all the best of luck.
% (1 votes)

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