Mon meilleur circuit ? (en dehors de la série MKPCverse)

by a guest ·
Plage Mathis (Mathis Beach) (Mathis Circuit from NC_King)
% (1 votes)
Lac Ushuaia (remplacé bientôt) (Ushuaia Lake) (MK1(O) - Ushuaia Park from Fways)
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Rive Luigi (Luigi's Lakeside) (LK1 - Luigi's Speedway from Lely)
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Parc national musical (National Park of Instruments from Vaqu)
% (1 votes)
Autodrome Mario (Mario Circuit)
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Pyramides Sphynx (Dry Dry Pyramid)
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Baie pluvieuse (Stormy Bayside) (LK1 - Exotic Bayside from Lely)
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Circuit rétro (8-Bit Speedway from MysteryMan)
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Baie Maskass (Shy Guy Bay) (MK2(O) - Shy Guy Bay from Fways)
% (1 votes)
Château de Peach (Peach's Castle) (50% Revamp, 50% Nitro - MKCDS Peach's Castle from MysteryMan)
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Cratère Lune de miel (Honeymoon Crater)
% (1 votes)
Tourbières hantées (Haunted Bogs) (MK1(P) - Ghost Valley from Kirio)
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Mine Goomba (Goomba Mine)
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Baie Noki (Noki Bay) (Revamp of Bois Vermeil 2 from NC_King)
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Sentier ardent de Bowser (Bowser's Hellado Burning Path)
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Galarc-en-ciel (Rainbow Galaxy)
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Promenade Peach (Peach Promenade) (MK1(L) - Mario Raceway from Lely)
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Abords du fleuve (Riverside Valley)
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Littoral Mathis (Mathis Tropical Coastline) (Mathis Circuit from NC_King, 2nd remake)
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City's Nightlife ~ Max-Bros Contest
% (2 votes)
Manoir machiavélique (MK1(P) - Ghost Valley from Kirio, 2nd remake)
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Cavernes Champi Poison (Poison Mushroom Caves) ~ Max-Bros Contest
% (1 votes)
Camping FK (FK's Campsite) ~ Max-Bros Contest, picked track
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Vallée verdoyante (Verdant Valley) ~ Max-Bros Contest, better track yet not in the theme so cancelled track
% (1 votes)
MKJ - Cloudways ~ Jey's collaborative project
% (3 votes)
MKJ - GCN Baby Park (GCN Baby Park from Nintendo) ~ Jey's collaborative project
% (0 votes)
MKJ - J78 Plage Yoshi (MKJ Yoshi Beach from Jey78) ~ Jey's collaborative project
% (2 votes)

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