Koga biste najradije vidjeli na mjestu premijera / premijerke?

by Novi list ·
Sandra Benčić (Možemo)
% (441 votes)
Peđa Grbin (SDP)
% (96 votes)
Ivan Penava (Domovinski pokret)
% (210 votes)
Andrej Plenković (HDZ)
% (3169 votes)
Ivica Puljak (Centar)
% (94 votes)
Nino Raspudić (Most)
% (162 votes)
Damir Vanđelić (Republika)
% (1768 votes)
Kandidat Socijaldemokrata i HSS-a
% (144 votes)
Netko drugi
% (245 votes)
Ne znam
% (95 votes)
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