In regards to Israel, what is your stance/opinion?

by Thunderousclaps ·
I believe Israel to be a settler, colonial State that is occupying Palestinian land, and I don't believe they should be allowed to continue their occupation.
% (21 votes)
I believe Israel to be a nation that, while representing the needs of the Israeli people, has gone too far and occupied Palestine, I believe they should return part of those lands.
% (67 votes)
I believe Israel to be the State that represents the Jewish people, and while they make take some questionable answers to the conflict, I believe they are a better answer than Hamas.
% (19 votes)
I believe Israel to be morally correct against Hamas, and to secure the safety of the Jewish people, their actions may be questionable but are necessary and ultimately their victory is the best option.
% (18 votes)
I don't know.
% (1 votes)
I am neutral. Israel has taken questionable actions but so has Hamas.
% (1 votes)


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