ER V14 Event vote

by lizzycat ·
Tsunami: Makes all coastal provinces along a big line + 1-3 closest provinces to each costal province become flooded. wo
% (33 votes)
Volcano: Makes all provinces with a Volcano tag be able to erupt and create a big shunk of wasteland. would come with a bunch of real life volcano locations and names and
% (37 votes)
storm: Causes a big area in a spider web ish pattern turn into unclaimed.
% (18 votes)
Pandemic.: a sickness can happen and spread across the world.
% (47 votes)
Earthquake: Creates a line of wasteland as the camera shakes a bit.
% (34 votes)
Fortifications: a notible site (world wonder, nuclear site or city) gets fortified and if hit by any event will stay in the original country but lose the fortification
% (44 votes)
ᚢᛅᚱᛚᛏᛁᚾᛋ ᚢᚾᛏᛁᚱᚴᚬᚾᚴ: as rare as the game can handle, the non specific gods have decided to punish a big chunk of land by turning the provinces into "none"
% (28 votes)
UwU: as rare as the game can handle, spawns a randomized animal themed country based on the selected location of the earth
% (27 votes)
Oh lord: as rare as the game can handle, spawns a mythological country such as asgard, olympus, hell, heaven and more!
% (34 votes)
Singular Shrink: Does the same as the divide event, but only gives away the provinces that would go to one specific other country
% (32 votes)
01000101 01111000 01110100 01100101 01110010 01101101 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110100 01100101: as rare as the game can handle. ai forms it's own anti human nation
% (41 votes)
Mustard Gas: Makes all provinces bordering a country into Wasteland
% (22 votes)
Blub: as rare as the game can handle. creates a fish themed nation along the coast or on a island.
% (17 votes)
space laser launch + space laser fire: first event gives a country access to using a space laser, when the fired event happens it creates a straight line of fire across the entire map
% (27 votes)


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