Should r/robinhobb continue to participate in the protest?

by westcoastal · 1 year ago
Yes, by remaining private indefinitely, until Reddit gives devs a more reasonable option
% (78 votes)
Yes, by going restricted indefinitely, until Reddit gives devs a more reasonable option
% (52 votes)
No, while I support the protest I feel we've done enough
% (54 votes)
No, I have never supported the protest
% (37 votes)
Yes, by remaining private indefinitely, until Reddit gives devs a more reasonable option
35.29% (78 votes)
No, while I support the protest I feel we've done enough
24.43% (54 votes)
Yes, by going restricted indefinitely, until Reddit gives devs a more reasonable option
23.53% (52 votes)
No, I have never supported the protest
16.74% (37 votes)
Total votes: 221 (from 221 participants)
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