what are some species i should consider for more furry characters later (don't mind the mammal bias)

by Lt_PriDe ·
Primates (monkeys, apes, lemurs)
% (4 votes)
Rodents (mice, beavers, hamsters, this could honestly be multiple options by suborders...)
% (3 votes)
Deer (the cervidae family more broadly, so elk and moose included)
% (1 votes)
Equines (horses, donkeys)
% (3 votes)
Felines (and others in the suborder feliformia)
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Canines/Vulpines (and others in the suborder caniformia)
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Lagomorphs (more rabbits, hares, pikas)
% (1 votes)
Falconiformes (falcons)
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Corvids (jays and crows)
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Squamates (scaled reptiles, including snakes)
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Something more fantastic (dragons and minotaurs and such)
% (4 votes)
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I know they aren’t furry furry but Satyrs are very good
% (5 votes)
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