Hvem burde starte for Liverpool mot Manchester City?

by Mari Lunde ·
Salah, Firmino, Mané
% (248 votes)
Salah, Firmino, Diaz
% (86 votes)
Salah, Firmino, Jota
% (17 votes)
Salah, Jota, Diaz
% (67 votes)
Firmino, Mané, Diaz
% (27 votes)
Firmino, Mané, Jota
% (8 votes)
Firmino, Jota, Diaz
% (13 votes)
Mané, Jota, Diaz
% (37 votes)
Salah, Mané, Jota
% (89 votes)
Salah, Mané, Diaz
% (146 votes)
% (2 votes)


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