Let's vote! What's the main reason you'd stop interacting with a website?

by Emma Debeljak ·
Slow loading speed
% (34 votes)
Outdated or bad UI design
% (9 votes)
Text-heavy landing pages
% (8 votes)
Difficult to navigate, can't find the info I need
% (25 votes)
Difficult to access on mobile
% (5 votes)
light gray text that I can't read along with slow loadingpages, pages that are set to fill the the width of the screen fourcing me to use a center page addon taht doesn't always work, For all these reason I will growl and swear then abandon teh website and go on to the next one. These problems become even wrose on moible. the worst is the light gray text I have to have teh blacken addon or I can't read most wesites. Whoever started this tread away from black text I hope they stub their toes every fkn day!
% (0 votes)
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Cause i hate it
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