Which of the following is the best John Constantine adaptation

by Cal_S ·
CW's Constantine
% (47 votes)
Justice League Dark/Justice League Dark: Apocalypse War/'Constantine: City of Demons/Constantine: The House of Mystery
% (51 votes)
Keanu Reeves in Constantine (2005)
% (4 votes)
Shannon McCormick in DC Universe Online
% (0 votes)
Dave Fouquette in Constantine: The Video Game
% (0 votes)
Harley Quinn (2019)
% (1 votes)
matt ryans
% (34 votes)
Mark Sheppard in Doom Patrol (2019) [Willoughby Kipling]
% (1 votes)
Damian O'Hare in Justice League Action
% (2 votes)
David Chabeax in Hellblazer: The Soul Play
% (1 votes)
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