When people get rowdy and trouble starts, you:

by Ameronis ·
Ignore it and continue as you were, if possible.
% (1 votes)
Get the heck outta there, quickly.
% (3 votes)
Stick around to watch. ("Fight! Fight! Fight!")
% (1 votes)
Passively stick around to watch, but stay out of the way. ("Better keep an eye out…")
% (9 votes)
Immediately look for any excuse to get involved. ("Nothing like a good brawl!")
% (3 votes)
Only get involved if it sucks you in (i.e, someone threw a bottle at someone else, but it hit you instead).
% (8 votes)
Immediately get involved to try and break it up.
% (1 votes)
Only get involved to try and break it up if it starts getting out of hand.
% (2 votes)


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