Cine a fost cel mai bun jucător al meciului cu Hermannstadt?

by FC Universitatea Cluj ·
Plamen Iliev
% (1 votes)
Thalisson Kelven
% (12 votes)
Lucas Masoero
% (14 votes)
Andrei Pițian
% (1 votes)
Alex Chipciu
% (123 votes)
Ovidiu Bic
% (11 votes)
Gabriel Simion
% (1 votes)
Marco Fossati
% (35 votes)
Robert Silaghi
% (40 votes)
Vali Gheorghe
% (3 votes)
Daniel Popa
% (37 votes)
Dan Nistor
% (78 votes)
Kevin Doukoure
% (1 votes)
Filip Ilie
% (0 votes)
Ștefan Pănoiu
% (1 votes)
Bogdan Vătăjelu
% (1 votes)
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