Votați MISS Q de la Colegiul Național „Moise Nicoară”

by ARQ.RO ·
Popian Briana
% (200 votes)
Boszormenyi Sonia
% (270 votes)
Briciu Alexia
% (116 votes)
Moț Patricia
% (190 votes)
Jigău Alexia
% (178 votes)
Ștefu Sara
% (234 votes)
Popa Rianna
% (294 votes)
Tutunaru Lorena
% (77 votes)
Sabău Mara
% (338 votes)
Bar Ștefania
% (190 votes)
Cismaș Maya
% (163 votes)
Ioja Maria
% (398 votes)

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