What are the 3 most fun role types to play?

by Helz ·
Communication (Roles that create chats or send messages)
% (6 votes)
Action Manipulation (Roles that divert or control actions)
% (3 votes)
Information Gathering (Roles that gather data on things like role/alignment/actions taken)
% (6 votes)
Information Manipulating (Roles that alter the information others get)
% (3 votes)
Disabling (Roles that prevent kills or actions from having)
% (0 votes)
Enabling (Roles that give additional actions or strengthen actions)
% (2 votes)
Killing (Roles that remove a player from the game)
% (3 votes)
Vote / Lynch (Roles that mess with vote power or how votes function)
% (2 votes)
RNG based (Roles that get random abilities or cause random things to happen)
% (1 votes)
Chat requirement (Roles that place requirements on how players speak)
% (3 votes)
Role Inheritance (Stuff that takes roles or pieces of roles and moves them between players)
% (1 votes)
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