What are good metrics to assess successful "Open borders" policy ?

by Shae/Arno ·
Wages & Income: Growth rate consumption/Income per capita
% (2 votes)
Wages & Income: Income share of poorest 20% (as % total)
% (0 votes)
Wages & Income: Poverty ratio w.r.t national poverty line
% (3 votes)
Education: Children Unschooled (% total)
% (0 votes)
Labor: Unemployment %
% (2 votes)
Labor: Vulnerable Employment %
% (0 votes)
Immigration: Percentage of population that's directly immigrant
% (0 votes)
Immigration: (sort of) Percentage slums (can we house new people ?)
% (1 votes)
Immigration: (sort of) Percentage of young people (e.g. old people immigrate less)
% (1 votes)
Social Mobility: YOS (Years of schooling) => do kids perform better at school than parents ?
% (1 votes)
Social Mobility: CAT (Categorical progress) => do kids get better jobs than parents (categorization)
% (2 votes)
Social Mobility: RANK (Rank based progress) => do kids get better econ situation than parents ?
% (1 votes)
Something about housing costs/number of housing permits issued?
% (2 votes)
Military recruitment
% (0 votes)


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