Best NoSleep story of October 2022

by NSMods ·
We've been locked in our classroom for days, and our teacher is starting to act very strange...
% (13 votes)
Every Halloween the girl in the mask wants candy and nobody knows where she comes from.
% (19 votes)
I thought my apartment was haunted, the truth is so much worse
% (7 votes)
We never open the door when there's only one knock
% (14 votes)
I’m a low level US Government employee. I just saw something I wasn’t supposed to see.
% (20 votes)
I'm a Marine Stationed at Camp Pendleton. I Met a Skinwalker in the Dirt Fields...
% (3 votes)
I was Seven when I Almost Died
% (8 votes)
I was hired to notice things out of place
% (7 votes)
I think a witch cursed me, because I’ve been squirting a continuous stream of shit for the past forty-five minutes
% (4 votes)
I’m a private contractor who kills people. Yes, it’s an actual, legal job in the U. S. in 2022.
% (4 votes)
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