What's Your Favorite Track From 'A Different Kind Of Truth?'

by Eric Senich ·
1. Tattoo
% (149 votes)
2. She's The Woman
% (402 votes)
3. You and Your Blues
% (227 votes)
4. China Town
% (109 votes)
5. Blood and Fire
% (301 votes)
6. Bullethead
% (49 votes)
7. As Is
% (287 votes)
8. Honeybabysweetiedoll
% (162 votes)
9. The Trouble with Never
% (56 votes)
10. Outta Space
% (222 votes)
11. Stay Frosty
% (353 votes)
12. Big River
% (128 votes)
13. Beats Workin'
% (77 votes)
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