If I don't generally want to RP with someone who wants to RP with me, I prefer to...

by rozzingit · 2 years ago
Avoid the other player
% (5 votes)
Tell them directly I would prefer not to RP
% (0 votes)
Default to avoid, but will be direct if someone asks me directly/privately
% (12 votes)
Depends on the specifics, but lean towards avoidance
% (11 votes)
Depends on the specifics, but lean towards directness
% (1 votes)
It depends/something else!
% (0 votes)
RP with them anyways
% (8 votes)
Default to avoid, but will be direct if someone asks me directly/privately
32.43% (12 votes)
Depends on the specifics, but lean towards avoidance
29.73% (11 votes)
RP with them anyways
21.62% (8 votes)
Avoid the other player
13.51% (5 votes)
Depends on the specifics, but lean towards directness
2.7% (1 votes)
Tell them directly I would prefer not to RP
0% (0 votes)
It depends/something else!
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 37 (from 37 participants)
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