Should Hellaine Mix Diversify?

by Duskfall Crew ·
Yes - Comics/Illustration - but improve, and diversify
% (3 votes)
Yes - Diverge from Comics, we want anime!
% (2 votes)
No, I really like the current style on this - MINOR improvements here and there are fine !
% (0 votes)
No, I don't like this one at all.
% (0 votes)
Yes - MORE SEMI REALISM! NO MORE ANIME! NO MORE COMICS! (heh you ain't getting that on hellaine but try xD)
% (0 votes)
Yes - But maybe not the generator version, PIXELS!
% (0 votes)
Just gimme the results dag nabit what is this tumblr?
% (1 votes)
Yes, yes and yes - but i'm not sure what!
% (1 votes)
Who are you again, and where am I?
% (1 votes)
No, I don't like Pony, I don't like AI - where did i find this poll and why am I here? XD
% (0 votes)
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