Why I don't bother with AMD's GPU

by a guest ·
Its my field of expertise and I know Nvidias are better
% (3 votes)
My area has better priced nvidias
% (1 votes)
I have read many opinions regarding faulty cards needing
% (1 votes)
I don't want to have to check drivers. Plug - Play
% (6 votes)
I've always used Nvidia and I'm satisfied
% (4 votes)
My friend told me Nvidias is better
% (0 votes)
I want to benefit from G-Sync
% (1 votes)
I have an Intel CPU and I want the "same" for gpu
% (1 votes)
I didn't have a good expirience with AMD in the past
% (4 votes)
I believe AMD is mostly marketing - I do not trust youtube reviewers
% (0 votes)
Games I play perform better with nvidias
% (5 votes)
Nvidias have NVENC
% (4 votes)
Ray tracing
% (5 votes)
Running CUDA workloads
% (6 votes)
% (7 votes)
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