Vote For Who You Want To See on Survivor 50 - Australian Outback

by Kevin ·
Debb Eaton
% (2 votes)
Kel Gleason
% (8 votes)
Maralyn Hershey
% (8 votes)
Mitchell Olson
% (9 votes)
Kimmi Kappenberg
% (13 votes)
Michael Skupin
% (3 votes)
Jeff Varner
% (5 votes)
Alicia Calaway
% (30 votes)
Jerri Manthey
% (87 votes)
Nick Brown
% (10 votes)
Amber Mariano
% (25 votes)
Rodger Bingham
% (6 votes)
Elisabeth Hasselback
% (25 votes)
Keith Famie
% (4 votes)
Colby Donaldson
% (62 votes)
Tina Wesson
% (57 votes)
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