Which of these Hamilton Song combo is the best?

by a guest ·
Alexander arrives meets Burr, Laurens, Mulligan, Lafayette (Aaron Burr, Sir; My Shot; The Story of Tonight)
% (76 votes)
Alexander gets married (A Winter's Ball; Helpless; Satisfied)
% (191 votes)
Laurens-Lee Duel (Stay Alive; Ten Duel Commandments; Meet Me Inside)
% (13 votes)
Washington leaves the Office (Cabinet Battle #2; Washington on Your Side; One Last Time)
% (59 votes)
Alexander publishes Reynolds Pamphlet (We Know; Hurricane; The Reynolds Pamphlet; Burn)
% (94 votes)
Philip's Death (Blow Us All Away; Stay Alive (Reprise); It's Quiet Uptown)
% (16 votes)
Alexander's Death (The Election of 1800; Your Obedient Servant; Best of Wives and Best of Women; The World was Wide Enough; Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story)
% (75 votes)
King George (You'll be Back; What Comes Next; I Know Him)
% (22 votes)


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