Vote For Who You Want To See On Survivor 50! - Vanuatu

by Kevin ·
Brook Geraghty
% (2 votes)
Dolly Neely
% (0 votes)
John Palyok
% (0 votes)
Mia Galeotalanza
% (1 votes)
Brady Finta
% (4 votes)
"Bubba" Travis Sampson
% (2 votes)
Lisa Keiffer
% (1 votes)
John Kenney
% (5 votes)
Rory Freeman
% (40 votes)
"Sarge" Lea Masters
% (8 votes)
"Chad" James Crittenden
% (11 votes)
Leann Slaby
% (13 votes)
Ami Cusack
% (54 votes)
Julie Berry
% (22 votes)
Eliza Orlins
% (69 votes)
Scout Cloud Lee
% (13 votes)
Twila Tanner
% (57 votes)
Chris Daugherty
% (67 votes)
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