Movie Poll

by x0x7 ·
Weird Science
% (6 votes)
Men in Black
% (2 votes)
The Night Before Christmas
% (1 votes)
Dumb and Dumber (1994)
% (8 votes)
Certain Guys 1999
% (1 votes)
Event Horizon
% (5 votes)
Black Venus (2010)
% (1 votes)
The Dark Knight Rises 2012
% (1 votes)
Cowboys & Aliens
% (5 votes)
% (3 votes)
In Bruges
% (3 votes)
Piranha (1978)
% (4 votes)
I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell (2009)
% (2 votes)
Dead Man
% (2 votes)
% (8 votes)
Mom and Dad Save the World 1992
% (1 votes)
Wayne's World (1992)
% (4 votes)
The Empire Strikes Back
% (5 votes)
Mulholland Drive 2001
% (3 votes)
Carnival of Souls (1962)
% (3 votes)
Weird Science (Downvote)
% (0 votes)
Men in Black (Downvote)
% (5 votes)
The Night Before Christmas (Downvote)
% (1 votes)
Dumb and Dumber (1994) (Downvote)
% (1 votes)
Certain Guys 1999 (Downvote)
% (0 votes)
Event Horizon (Downvote)
% (2 votes)
Black Venus (2010) (Downvote)
% (2 votes)
The Dark Knight Rises 2012 (Downvote)
% (3 votes)
Cowboys & Aliens (Downvote)
% (0 votes)
Exotica (Downvote)
% (0 votes)
In Bruges (Downvote)
% (0 votes)
Piranha (1978) (Downvote)
% (0 votes)
I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell (2009) (Downvote)
% (1 votes)
Dead Man (Downvote)
% (0 votes)
Alien (Downvote)
% (0 votes)
Mom and Dad Save the World 1992 (Downvote)
% (0 votes)
Wayne's World (1992) (Downvote)
% (1 votes)
The Empire Strikes Back (Downvote)
% (2 votes)
Mulholland Drive 2001 (Downvote)
% (0 votes)
Carnival of Souls (1962) (Downvote)
% (0 votes)
8pm Eastern
% (5 votes)
9pm Eastern
% (4 votes)
10pm Eastern
% (3 votes)
8pm Eastern (Downvote)
% (2 votes)
9pm Eastern (Downvote)
% (1 votes)
10pm Eastern (Downvote)
% (0 votes)
% (2 votes)
% (6 votes)
% (2 votes)
Friday (Downvote)
% (2 votes)
Saturday (Downvote)
% (2 votes)
Sunday (Downvote)
% (1 votes)
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