What was your favorite wingfoil accessory in 2022?

by TotalWing ·
The Wingman - hardshell harness
% (262 votes)
Artness, retractable harness line - A3D
% (266 votes)
Sooruz - Watervest Wing
% (103 votes)
Fly Mount Aero-130 - wing camera mount
% (108 votes)
Harness Mount Design Belt - hands-free camera pole
% (47 votes)
FlyGroove - G-Hook harness
% (43 votes)
ION - Safety Strap
% (151 votes)
Cloud IX - Anchorman Leash
% (60 votes)
Spleene - Wing Skate Guards
% (3 votes)
Forward WIP - Wing Neo Vest 50N
% (84 votes)
Manera - Vagabon Impact Vest
% (89 votes)
Foil Drive - Electric Foil Assist Kits
% (139 votes)
Airbank - Puffer Pro
% (80 votes)
Hydrofoil Wing Screws
% (32 votes)
AP3D - Foil Shims
% (46 votes)
WindUP Winch
% (64 votes)
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