Favorite Boston Crusaders Show?

by Corbin ·
1999 - A Collection of Symphonic Dances
% (1 votes)
2000 - RED
% (9 votes)
2001 - Harmonium
% (1 votes)
2002 - You Are My Star
% (4 votes)
2003 - BRAVO!
% (3 votes)
2004 - The Composition of Color
% (0 votes)
2005 - Ode to Joy
% (1 votes)
2006 - Cathedrals of the Mind
% (1 votes)
2007 - A Picasso Suite
% (0 votes)
2008 - Neocosmos
% (0 votes)
2009 - The Core of Temptation
% (2 votes)
2010 - Thy Kingdom Come
% (2 votes)
2011 - Revolution
% (1 votes)
2012 - The Titans
% (0 votes)
2013 - Rise
% (6 votes)
2014 - Animal Farm
% (39 votes)
2015 - Conquest
% (1 votes)
2016 - Quixotic
% (3 votes)
2017 - Wicked Games
% (36 votes)
2018 - S.O.S.
% (48 votes)
2019 - Goliath
% (25 votes)
2022 - Paradise Lost
% (70 votes)
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