[BAK] What Batman skin do you use the most? (It counts EVEN if you reskin it!)

by a guest ·
V7.43 (Post Arkham City)
% (6 votes)
v8.03 (A new suit for a new enemy)
% (5 votes)
v8.04 (Pristine Edition - Resistant to wear and tear)
% (8 votes)
v8.05 (Prestige Edition - for those who give 240%
% (5 votes)
New 52 (Contemporary fashion)
% (1 votes)
1989 Movie (Nice outfit)
% (4 votes)
1970s (Back in blue)
% (3 votes)
Arkham Origins (The early years)
% (5 votes)
Iconic Grey & Black (Heir to the cowl)
% (0 votes)
Noel (Merry Christmas)
% (3 votes)
1st Appearance (1939 Style)
% (0 votes)
Beyond (2039 Style)
% (7 votes)
Dark Knight Returns (Still fits)
% (0 votes)
Original Arkham (Where it began)
% (10 votes)
2016 V Superman (New threads)
% (5 votes)
Classic TV Series (The Batphone's ringing)
% (1 votes)
Earth 2 Dark Knight (Worn by Thomas Wayne
% (0 votes)
Flashpoint (Like father, like son)
% (1 votes)
Inc. (Going Global)
% (1 votes)
Justice League 3000 (New suit, old genes)
% (3 votes)
2008 Movie (He's not wearing hockey pads)
% (7 votes)
Anime (Field Tested)
% (2 votes)
Zur En Arrh (Back-up personality. Use with caution)
% (0 votes)


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