If only two more medics are needed to start a non-captained PUG, should the system draft two random players as medics so that it could start?

by a guest ·
Definitely, I would rather force two players to play medic than wait longer for volunteers.
% (38 votes)
Yes, but draft players with the most experience/highest elos
% (30 votes)
Unsure, but would be willing to try it for a limited time.
% (30 votes)
No, players should never be forced to play a class they do not initially add up as.
% (36 votes)
Yes, but give players a last chance to volunteer as medic before force-drafting.
% (55 votes)
Yes, but only if there are incentives for players to volunteer, such as fat-kid passes.
% (38 votes)
You may think this is acceptable because people do it in discords, but fact is these discords are usually ok in terms of people knowing eachother and similar skills. If you're trying to make it a home for everyone you just can't do this. If I'm forced onto a class I don't even play in a game where I don't know the people and they're higher skill, thats a serious issue, these players are not going to come back. Even if they don't get flamed they know, and we all know players are frustrated by ...
% (23 votes)
i shit da bed
% (20 votes)
i eated it :3
% (18 votes)
no, thats fucking stupid
% (14 votes)
maintain internal record of medic% per-player (possibly with different waiting for being randomly selected/last-minute volunteering) and make frequent medic players less likely to be selected randomly
% (18 votes)
Yes, but count this as a vote *against* giving people fatkid passes. Just make getting random'd less likely.
% (14 votes)
Yeah could RGL admin acteevate 10% of massiv brain size to eliminate the issue of autism omung their rank? thanks
% (4 votes)
this is retarded just remake pugchamp thanks
% (20 votes)
Medic gets an additional vote for map picks.
% (4 votes)
In adv/invite pugs (when they're added) make it so any random can be thrown into it. Lower level pugs should be waiting for volunteers so it's not people with 11 logs and not knowing med rollout even playing med.
% (22 votes)
spaghetti and pugballs
% (9 votes)
% (4 votes)
Give people an easy option to toggle like being an organ donor. If they have it enabled, they are automatically picked for med if they're online and just waiting. But if they pre-picked a different role, then just leave them be and look for someone else. Maybe this would work good with other med enforcement features.
% (9 votes)
Yes, but make donors have the ability to opt in or out at any time they feel like it with a simple tickbox or toggle switch. If opted out, the system would ignore those people for the next auto med draft. I would unironically pay for this feature since I don't main med but I want the system to pick people other than me so the pugs get going
% (6 votes)
Have an opt-in option to being filled into Medic and give opted-in players priority for games in their selected roles if they've been used to fill previously and others are opted in as well.
% (9 votes)
Give incentive for people to que as medic
% (19 votes)
Just give them med+FK immunity in the next pug
% (15 votes)
Same system as dscord pugs, 1 med pug per night max unless everyone has played then reset. Separate amateur/iM and below from all other divs, no captain system for lower, captain system for higher div. if u r main u should at least know how to med.
% (13 votes)


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