What feature would you like to have in the next update?

by a guest ·
Lore book
% (16 votes)
An ingame tutorial
% (6 votes)
Some rework of the interface (main menu, default resolution to 1920x1080, rework of the "new game" menu)
% (5 votes)
Sound (UI sound, sound effect when the text slowly appears (Zelda's dialogs like))
% (1 votes)
More languages for the AI and interface (Portuguese, Russian, etc)
% (1 votes)
Extension of the RPG system (Full character description depending of your stats, player's avatar, visual dialog when you interact)
% (20 votes)
Server's optimization (Try to reduce the RAM usage)
% (14 votes)
Dark mode (I suck at doing themes with Godot, any help is welcome)
% (5 votes)


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