Which Zelda game should I replay first?

by a guest ·
Zelda I
% (2 votes)
Zelda II
% (5 votes)
A Link to the Past
% (10 votes)
Ocarina of Time
% (17 votes)
Majora's Mask
% (15 votes)
Four Swords (Anniversary Edition)
% (0 votes)
Four Swords Adventure
% (0 votes)
The Wind Waker
% (24 votes)
Twilight Princess
% (23 votes)
Phantom Hourglass
% (1 votes)
Spirit Tracks
% (1 votes)
Oracle of Seasons
% (0 votes)
Oracle of Ages
% (0 votes)
The Minish Cap
% (5 votes)
A Link Between Worlds
% (4 votes)
Link's Awakening
% (3 votes)
Skyward Sword
% (8 votes)
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