What are your long-term effects of the TTI?

by ghost ·
Distrust of therapy/mental health facilities
% (61 votes)
Most comfortable being alone
% (45 votes)
Fear of being alone
% (24 votes)
Inability to open up
% (44 votes)
Refusal to be compliant
% (29 votes)
Being too compliant
% (42 votes)
Addiction issues
% (30 votes)
Distrust of psychiatric medication
% (50 votes)
Did not complete high school
% (13 votes)
Did not complete college/trade school
% (22 votes)
Unresolved feelings of "safety"
% (53 votes)
Unresolved feelings of "home"
% (53 votes)
Sexuality issues (promiscuity, avoidance, etc.)
% (39 votes)
Self-esteem issues
% (55 votes)
Unable to define or maintain boundaries with others
% (42 votes)
Fear of authority figures
% (49 votes)
Continued self-harm
% (32 votes)
Continued suicidal ideation
% (40 votes)
Memory issues
% (48 votes)
Feelings of prolonged depression and/or anxiety
% (58 votes)
Refusal to talk about the time you spent in TTI
% (21 votes)
None of the above, my time in TTI was positive
% (3 votes)
Am close with my parents
% (10 votes)
Have unresolved feelings about my parents
% (43 votes)
Have cut off contact with my parents
% (17 votes)
Long-term health problem resulting from medical neglect
% (32 votes)
% (1 votes)
% (1 votes)
% (1 votes)
Frequent flashbacks and nightmares
% (1 votes)
Estrangement to other family members and old friends
% (1 votes)
Unhealthy relationship to food
% (1 votes)
extreme survivors guilt, issues with maintaining healthy boundaries around empathy
% (1 votes)
Unable to hold a job that has contact with the public.
% (1 votes)
Bad dreams, nightmares, overthinking everything, residential treatment is around me constantly, triggered by smells, a lot of what I do or don't do is connected to something to do with the TTI experience.
% (1 votes)
I missed a lot of school which total to a couple years, I was rejected from
% (1 votes)
Brain damage due to electroshock therapy
% (1 votes)
Extremely triggered by weather
% (1 votes)
Just leaving a little note. I see you and I hope your path to recovery is quick. We may not know each other, but we KNOW each other, and I wish you all the best <3
% (1 votes)
Insomnia and chronic night terrors
% (1 votes)
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